
Chapters 3-4.

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Chapter 3
(It’s All Unraveling)
 “What?” Vain responded and stopped walking, glancing towards me.
“He tried killing my brother! Rapture did! As soon as he left, I could smell your aroma more. Which is a rather disgusting scent by the way… His scent was the same as the scent on my brother. How could he do such a thing?” I said as I turned towards Vain to see what he had to say, my last rhetorical question nearly a whisper, my raven black hair followed the motion of my body, he simply shrugged.
“Why would he do such a thing? He’s my best friend.”
 There was a long pause. I walked towards him slowly, and stopped dead in my tracks as soon as I was only inches away. I gave him a slight shove.
“Hey! What was that for?”
“You’re going to help me find him. Your nose is better then mine and you’re his ‘friend’ so you know his scent better then me. IF you help me find him, and leave me be as I murder him, perhaps I’ll spare your life.” I said with a sadistic smirk.
Vain simply blinked without saying a single word.
“Unless you’re prepared to die here?”
Vain growled, “No, I’m not. You’re a rather cruel vampire, know that? But fine, I’ll come along with, and I’ll only have you get away with murdering him if he’s the one who really tried killing your brother. And who possibly murdered your mother, where are you going to get the evidence for that?”
“Oh trust me…I will have proof.”
Vain followed reluctantly behind me. “Are we going to listen to the naga?”
“You seem to be rather willing… And no, I am not going to listen to the naga, there is no way I’m going to get married to a foul smelling wolf. If anything, I’ll marry my own kind and one I actually have feelings for.”
“But Rave, what if the Naga is right? What if there are more horrible creatures out there then us? What if they’re going to try and wipe us out?”
I stopped walking for a moment, glanced at Vain, and then started walking again.
“What creature is more horrible then us? The Naga’s? Well why would they warn us about themselves? That makes no sense. I’m sure our clans will be fine, there should be no good enough reason for them to get together. They just aren’t meant to be allies. We’re too different from each other. Do you even know why we have such hatred in each other?”
Vain frowned, running his slender fingers through his ear length snowy white hair. “No…Not really. I’ve just turned into a shape shifter or ‘Nekorah’ as Rapture calls us, a few hours ago from now. Rapture hasn’t said a word to me about anything, or that he was even one. Care to explain?”
I bit my bottom lip uneasily and looked overhead. The sun was slowly fading away from beyond the trees, a new darkness taking over. Soon the only light that would provide us would be the sparkling stars and the massive moon. Even if I was able to see in the dark quite well it still made me more vulnerable against the shape shifters (Nekorah) than in the light, plus… I was all alone, no other vampires to help me.
“…The Nekorah hate the vampires because they fear them, the Nekorah are scared that the vampires will try and take over and have them become slaves or perhaps even just slaughter them all. That’s the same with the vampires fearing and hating the shape shifters or ‘Nekorah’. The Nekorah also have a different smell or aroma with them, which usually either makes the vampires senses burn or they just don’t like it at all. The smell is like… a mixture of wet dog and the smoke from a fire.”
While I was speaking, my eyes glanced around various parts of the forest, trying to see if I could hear, see, or smell the shape shifters. The shape shifters had to attack me now; it was the best time to. I was just waiting for them to make their move.
“I see… So you’re saying if we tried getting the clans together, it’d never work out anyway? Because one of the clans will think the other will back stab them or plan against them?”
“Yes.” I responded as I pulled out another blade from my Demonia boots while Vain was looking away. I hid it behind my back as I walked.
Chapter 4
Yep… It was only about 15 minutes till the darkness came. Now was when I should be more alert. “Rave? What’s wrong? You look worried.”
“Huh, what? Oh…No it’s nothing.” I lied, “I’m just worried that Xavier is going to be very mad later.”
Wait… Isn’t Vain the leader of all the Nekorah? Unless there is still going to be an alpha male for each pack?
I bit my bottom lip nervously.. I stopped for a second and heard a bush rustle from a few meters away. I quickly pounced on Vain, knocking him to the ground and holding my steel blade against his neck. “Call your Nekorah off.” I spat.
“What?” He whispered back, his eyes wide. I could hear his heart beating rapidly.
“You have people out there; you’re trying to kill me. Just like I knew you would.” I quietly growled.
For a second I seen a confused expression on his face, and then next thing I knew I couldn’t breath. I held my stomach, my eyes closed from the pain that came with the tackle. My breathing came out in deep, harsh gasps. I could hear the shuffling of feet and a grunt here and there. And then… it fell silent.
Minutes passed and I wondered what was going on, “Vain…?” I managed to harshly whisper. The air was cold, and I could still smell my blood that was hardening against my back. Soon my breathing became steady again, and I opened my eyes to see Vain leaning against a tree, holding his stomach. I crawled onto my hands and knees, and my eyes traced over a body a few feet away from me, a young male’s throat was slit. The blood’s scent was strong, and it made my thirst for blood grow even more. I closed my eyes for a moment to try and make the yearning for blood go away for now.
Soon I was on my feet, and hesitantly walking towards Vain.
“Vain…?” I asked again.
He picked up his head and opened his sapphire eyes, giving me a half smile.
“Told you… That I was going to try and help you…” He muttered, closing his eyes again, his chest heaving up and down from his breaths. He leaned against the tree some more and slid down against it, now on the ground. I quickly rushed over to his side and kneeled against him. “Vain? How bad are you hurt?” I asked, not even knowing why I cared about this creature. Not all are bad…right?
When he didn’t answer I placed the palm of my hand onto his hand, lifting it up from his stomach. I gasped from the wound that was now revealed. “Oh my god… It almost looks like a hole! What did he do to you…?”
Vain sighed and took a deep breath, “Well we are Nekorah right? And we do have teeth?”
I glared at his wise-ass remark.
“We should stay somewhere for the night, hide. There will be more arriving and we can’t take them. I know it’s more than likely Rapture now.” Vain said as he picked himself up from the ground, while making a pained expression. I wrapped his left arm around my shoulders so he was able to cover his wound with the right. “Vain…I don’t know how much longer I can take this scent of blood. I have to feed…” I muttered.
He looked at me and gave a soft smile. “Well…Once you hide me, you can feed on that dead body.”
Wait… I just thought of something, what if he’s only treating me nicely so I’m off guard? So then I’m vulnerable and he can attack me? This could all be a setup, couldn’t it?
I glared into the blackness before me. Oh no…your not getting me.
“Fine,” I muttered with bitterness.
As I looked forward, slowly walking with him towards who knows where, I could sense him looking at me curiously.
“Well? Where are we going to hide you?”
It took a few seconds for Vain to respond.
“I suppose hide me in a tree.”
“Can’t Nekorah smell blood like vampires?”
“I’m actually not sure… I was always close to you when you were bleeding. Wait, I think I hear water.”
We both stopped dead in our tracks, straining to hear the noise of trickling water.
“Yes I hear it…Let’s follow it.” I muttered, pulling him along.
I could feel the dampness of the soil underneath my Demonia boots, I loved water… After each step we took I could hear the sound of the water getting thunderous.
Soon we stopped right next to a riverbank, the water glistening from the light of the moon. “Hide here, that way if the mutt needs water he has some.” I said as I smirked, taking his arm from around my shoulder. He gave me a saddened look but said nothing and sat down.
Maybe that was a little rude… I thought to myself as the guilt began to kick in.
I quietly sighed and started heading back towards the dead body.
Wait…What if the Nekorah are waiting for me there?
I had to consider all possibilities. Using my graceful vampire abilities, I jumped up onto the limb of a tree. “That’s better…” I muttered to myself, swiftly jumping from branch to branch till I was a few feet away from the corpse. My golden eyes looked alertly around and seeing nothing, I jumped down next to it. It was so long since I’ve had blood…I’m surprised I lasted this long. I kneeled down beside the dead body. I stopped for a moment before advancing towards it; the young boy’s heart was still beating. The boy’s eye slightly opened, and he gave me a grin. I quickly jumped up onto my feet and at my movement he jumped up also, lunging at me.
I leaped out of the way, and tackled the boy from behind, penetrating his skin with my silver fangs. “You Nekorah shall perish.” I murmured as my mouth welcomed the sweet crimson blood. I closed my eyes from the pleasure of the taste. After I was finished, I stood up and trailed my tongue along my lips, getting the remaining blood.
I heard a rustle nearby and snapped my head over to it to look, quickly pulling out my blade just in case. A white haired male peeked out from behind a bush and tree. “Rave? Are you alright?” He asked as the rest of his body was revealed. I growled.
“Yes, I’m fine. You have very dirty tricks, saying I can feed on the body. No wonder, because it was still alive! That blood sure seemed real.”
“What?” He frowned, turning his head to look at the carcass.
“What do you mean what? It was simple as that. You didn’t finish it off, you faked that he was dead; you tried luring me to my death.”
“Rave, I thought that he was dead, I just got attacked a minute ago also. If I sent my Nekorah after you to try and kill you, why would they come after me? That doesn’t make sense does it?”
 I scowled at him and crossed my arms, the blade still in my hand.
“Whatever…” I murmured. I still don’t trust you… I thought to myself.
“What I want to know is…whose sending people to kill us? And why?” Vain asked as he walked towards me, his hand over his wound.
I shrugged.
 You’re just playing with me…why should I answer?
“By the way…I saw a fire not far from the riverbank. Maybe it’s Rapture?”
“Quickly, let’s go.” I responded hurriedly, wrapping his arm around my shoulders again to have him lean against me for support.
“Wait…Faster idea…” I muttered, sweeping him up into my arms, his arm still around my shoulders. I could smell his scent; it was actually…good, manly. Not like a regular shape shifter.  “Ah…” He muttered, grimacing from the pain.
I ignored it, and felt bad about it. I swiftly jumped up into the trees, and towards the riverbank. The fire wasn’t far.
I stopped and was quiet for a minute or two before Vain spoke before me.
“So…Are we going to go over there?”
I bit my bottom lip, and sighed.
“No, I’ll just go. If they can smell blood like vampires, they’ll smell you. Stay here.”
Why am I having him stay here? Let him die. Oh…maybe because if he gets caught I will.
That was my excuse, that I would get caught if he does.
More chapters. :]
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